you make do™ party play kits™ and paper play kits™ are available for wholesale purchase worldwide. Orders shipped to the continental U.S. may place an order here.
If you are outside of the continental U.S., contact you make do™ with your interest in a wholesale purchase. Inquiries must include: 1 How many wholesale book packs of each title you would like to purchase. A book pack includes 6 books of a single title. Our available titles currently include party play kit: fairy blossoms, party play kit: whimsical bugs, and paper play kit: sail away. All are shown below. 2 The address the books will be shipped to. We calculate shipping charges along with your quote. Thank you for your interest in you make do™ books.
Image gallery of party play kit: fairy blossoms contents. Click images to enlarge.
party play kit: fairy blossoms created by heather cahoon
This wondrous party kit is filled with imaginative, easy-to-assemble decorations. Create a playful and magical celebration day, to make it a remember-for-always one.
Book kit includes: 12 dainty fairy cupcake toppers, 42 pretty blossoms to make a garland, 12 flower straw toppers, and a template to make blossom fairy wands and necklaces. All for a sweet celebration your special guests will remember with wondrous awe.
This full-of-imagination kit was made by the mother of a few, New York Times bestselling illustrator Heather Cahoon, to add simplicity and delight to your special celebration. This kit is simple enough for young ones to join in the party planning fun. Make memories creating your next celebration together.
Skip and hop to and for more creative play ideas. Share in the marvel of play with our growing treasury of paper play books. Cherish them all.
Image gallery of paper play kit: sail away contents. Click images to enlarge.
paper play kit: sail away created by heather cahoon
This book kit is brimming with creative playthings to cut out and make, create, build, and imagine for a wondrously playful learning day. Hours of paper play, to make days of imaginative pretend play. Skip and hop to and for more creative play ideas. Share in the marvel of play with our growing treasury of paper play books. Cherish them all.
Kit includes: 6 sails and sailboat flags to make sailboats, sailors, fish, whale, pelican, seagull, crab, starfish, nautical flag chart to roll up and bring on imaginary sailing adventures or to frame and hang, sailor knot chart, 12 banner flags, and instructions to make a dock for play.
This full-of-imagination kit was made by mother of a few, and New York Times bestselling illustrator, Heather Cahoon.
- Publication Date: Jan 09 2012
- ISBN/EAN13: 0615583628 / 9780615583624
- Page Count: 40
- Binding Type: US Trade Paper
- Trim Size: 8" x 10"
- Language: English
- Color: Full Color with Bleed
- Related Categories: Crafts & Hobbies / Crafts for Children
Image gallery of party play kit: whimsical bugs contents. Click images to enlarge.
party play kit: whimsical bugs created by heather cahoon
This wondrous party kit is filled with imaginative, easy-to-assemble decorations. Create a playful and magical celebration day, to make it a remember-for-always one.
Book kit includes: 12 whimsical bug cupcake toppers, 18 reversible garland flags, 12 striped drinking straw toppers, and 12 bug treat bag toppers. All for a sweet celebration your special guests will remember with wondrous awe.
This full-of-imagination kit was made by the mother of a few, New York Times bestselling illustrator Heather Cahoon, to add simplicity and delight to your special celebration. This kit is simple enough for young ones to join in the party planning fun. Make memories creating your next celebration together.
Skip and hop to and for more creative play ideas. Share in the marvel of play with our growing treasury of paper play books. Cherish them all.